Friday October 18, 2013 11:45AM - 1:30PM
The Union League of Philadelphia
140 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19102
Keynote Speaker
Ambassador William R. Brownfield
Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Presentation of the William J. Clothier II Award
Pedro A. Ramos, Esquire
Chairman of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission
The theme for this year is “The New Colombia: What It Means for the Hemisphere.” In the last generation Colombia has made remarkable progress in establishing security and fostering economic growth. Today the country is also a leader in promoting free trade. This conference will explore how Colombia achieved these accomplishments and their significance for the hemispheric community of nations.
Luncheon guests will be honored to hear a keynote address from Ambassador William R. Brownfield, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Ambassador Brownfield previously served as the U.S. Ambassador to Colombia, Venezuela and Chile.
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM | Panel: “The New Colombia: What It Means for the Hemisphere” Mr. Alfonso Cuellar, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Colombia, “The New Colombia” Mr. Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Council of the Americas, “Colombia and the Pacific Alliance” Dr. Gabriel Marcella, US Army War College, Moderator |
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM | Cocktail Reception |
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM | Luncheon Keynote address from Ambassador William R. Brownfield, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, and presentation of the William J. Clothier II Memorial Award, to Pedro A. Ramos, Esquire, Chairman of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission |
Please RSVP by October 9, 2013.
You can register online or contact Denise Kuczewski at
or 215-841-6844
Ambassador William R. Brownfield
Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Ambassador Brownfield was sworn in as Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) on January 10, 2011. As Assistant Secretary for INL, he is responsible for State Department programs combating illicit drugs and organized crime, as well as support for law enforcement and rule of law. INL currently manages a portfolio of more than $4 billion in more than 80 countries administered by 5000 employees and contractors.
Prior to his appointment, Ambassador Brownfield served as U.S. Ambassador to Colombia from 2007 to 2010. Prior to that, he served as U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela (2004-07) and U.S. Ambassador to Chile (2002-04). He has also served overseas in Venezuela, El Salvador, Argentina, Switzerland, and Panama as temporary Political Adviser to the U.S. Southern Command.
In Washington his jobs have included Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, Director for Policy and Coordination in INL, Executive Assistant to the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Member of the Secretary’s Policy Planning Staff, and Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs.
Ambassador Brownfield holds the personal rank of Career Ambassador, the highest rank in the U.S. Foreign Service. He has received the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award and the Presidential Performance Award three times. Ambassador Brownfield is a graduate of Cornell University (1974) and the National War College (1993). He attended the University of Texas School of Law (1976-78). He speaks Spanish and French. He is a native of the State of Texas.
Pedro A. Ramos is a highly respected attorney, advisor, and civil servant in the Greater Philadelphia region. Mr. Ramos is internationally recognized for his leadership and management skills and commitment to civic justice.
Mr. Ramos focuses his legal practice on the intersections of the business, nonprofit and government sectors. A strategic advisor and advocate with more than 20 years of experience, Mr. Ramos helps clients in all three sectors find and navigate paths through difficult strategic, legal, regulatory and governance terrains.
Mr. Ramos has assisted clients and colleagues in a broad range of strategic, compliance, litigation and transactional matters, including: pension, compensation, and employee benefits laws; fiduciary responsibility; public sector labor negotiations; higher education labor negotiations; government financed projects; public-private partnerships; internal investigations; local contracting laws; campus safety, public safety, and disaster management; and large human relations and civil rights investigations.
Mr. Ramos served as the City Solicitor (General Counsel) for the City of Philadelphia, as well as the City's Managing Director (Chief Operating Officer). In higher education, he served as Vice President & Chief of Staff to former University of Pennsylvania President Dr. Judith Rodin. As a volunteer public official, he has twice been asked by leaders (from different political parties) to lead the governance of Philadelphia public schools through times of crisis. He is the Chairman of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission.
The Pan American Association of Philadelphia established the William J. Clothier II Memorial Award to celebrate the life and accomplishments of a very special member of the “Greatest Generation.” Throughout his long life, Bill Clothier exemplified the best traits of the new world America: stellar achievements, the competitive drive of a risk taker, and a bold and gallant spirit.
Born in 1915, the grandson of Isaac Clothier, founder of the Strawbridge’s & Clothier Department Store, Bill Clothier made his mark on the national and international scene over more than seven decades of his larger- than- life existence. Along the way, he pursued many passions, among them tennis, archeology and international politics. He was a founding member and a strong supporter of the Pan American Association until his death in 2002.
The William J. Clothier II Memorial Award is given to an individual who best exemplifies Bill Clothier’s dedication to public service and his commitment to the ideals of Pan-Americanism.
Alfonso Cuellar
Alfonso Cuellar is Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Colombia. He is former editor-in-chief of Semana magazine, Colombia’s leading newsweekly. He was also the foreign editor of El Tiempo, Colombia’s largest newspaper, during the end of the Cold War. In 2009, he was awarded a Knight Fellowship in Stanford for his work. He also has extensive experience in the public and private sector. From 1997 to 2005, he worked for BP Exploration of Colombia as the head of government and public affairs. He graduated from Allegheny College in Meadville, PA, with a bachelor's degree in political science and also attended the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. He has taught US politics and foreign policy at three Colombian universities.
Eric Farnsworth
Eric Farnsworth is vice president of the Council of the Americas and Americas Society, heading the Washington, DC, office since 2003. The organization is the leading voice on the hemisphere, where the public and private sectors meet to discuss and promote an agenda based on democratic governance, open markets, and the rule of law. He is a recognized expert on hemispheric affairs and U.S. foreign and trade policy, having given congressional testimony numerous times. He is a frequent commentator in print, visual, and new media, and has authored or co-authored articles in American Interest, Americas Quarterly, Current History, Journal of Democracy, and Latin American Policy, and is a columnist for PODER magazine and a blogger for Huffington Post, National Journal, and AQ Online. His opinion pieces have appeared in Barron’s, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Folha de Sao Paulo, and numerous others. Prior to joining the Council, Mr. Farnsworth was managing director of Manatt Jones Global Strategies LLC, a Washington, DC, and Los Angeles-based strategic advisory and business facilitation firm. From 1995-98, he oversaw policy and message development for the White House Office of the Special Envoy for the Americas. He served at the U.S. Department of State beginning in 1990, and was awarded the Superior Honor Award three times and the Meritorious Honor Award once. Mr. Farnsworth holds an MPA in International Relations from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School. He is a Truman Scholar and an alumnus of the Leadership America, Young Leaders of the (NATO) Alliance, and the US-Spain Young Leaders programs.
Areas of Expertise: Asia in the Americas, trade, energy, US policy in the region, national security affairs, international sports (including World Cup and Olympics), congressional affairs.
Gabriel Marcella
Gabriel Marcella is former Director of the Americas Studies in the Department of National Security and Strategy at the United States Army War College, where he teaches as adjunct professor. He served as International Affairs Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command. In addition, he has been a consultant to the Department of State and Defense on Latin American security. He also worked on the policy planning staff of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the Department of State. His publications include the American Grand Strategy for Latin America in the Age of Resentment and Security Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere: Resolving the Ecuador-Peru Conflict (coauthor/editor, published by the North-South Center of the University of Miami); Affairs of State: The Interagency and National Security, and Teaching Strategy: Challenge and Response. He has written a number of works on Colombia and Ecuador, including: “Democratic Governance and the Rule of Law: Lessons from Colombia,” “The U.S. Engagement with Colombia: Legitimate State Authority and Human Rights” and "Wars without Borders: The Colombia-Ecuador Crisis of 2008, and “Transformation of Security in Latin America: A Cause for Common Action.” He is contributing author for the Americas Quarterly and the Latin American Advisor. The president of Italy awarded him the honor of Commendatore Dell’Ordine al Merito Della Repubblica Italiana in recognition of his scholarship.
Pursuant to the By-Laws of the Association, and provided that at least 25 members shall be present and provided that at least 25 members shall have paid the annual dues, the Association shall have a meeting of the Membership on October 18, 2013 for the purpose of electing and installing the officers and the members of the Board of Directors of the Association and for any other purpose that the Members of the Association so decide. The meeting shall take place at the Union League of Philadelphia at 11 45 AM.
The attachment shows the slate of candidates for the aforementioned positions as submitted by the Nominating Committee. The members of the Nominating Committee were Romulo Diaz, Peter Longstreth and Abelardo Lechter.
You can download and print the voting ballot in Microsoft Word format or in PDF format.
If you have paid your 2013-2014 membership dues you are entitled to vote for Officers and Board of Directors members. If you wish to vote for the entire slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee you can simply check the appropriate box on Page 3 below and send the ballot by email to
or you can mail it to
Dario Bellot
Care of Congreso
216 W. Somerset Street
Philadelphia PA 19333
If you wish to delete or add other names to the list, please feel free to do so and send the ballot to Mr. Dario Bellot either by email or by USPS. The ballots must reach Dario Bellot by October 11, 2013.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Media Partner
Gold Sponsor $5,000
Reserved luncheon table (10 seats) and prominent mention in all advertising of the event, including the Luncheon Program. Poster with logo to be displayed at the podium. Logo to be included in the invitation to the event if received before deadline. Logo to be posted on Pan American website page advertising the event. Opportunity to make remarks and to distribute appropriate materials.
Silver Sponsor $2,500
Reserved luncheon table (10 seats) and mention in all advertising of the event including the Luncheon Program. Logo to be included in the invitation to the event if received before the deadline. Logo to be posted on Pan American website page advertising the event.
Bronze Sponsor $1,250
Reserved luncheon table (10 seats) and mention in all advertising of the event including the Luncheon Program. Logo to be included in the invitation to the event if received before the deadline.
Table Sponsor $600
Reserved luncheon table (10 seats) and mention in all advertising of the event including the Luncheon Program.
You can become a sponsor online or contact Denise Kuczewski at
or 215-841-6844
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Join the Pan American Association of Philadelphia for an enlightening evening as part of our Círculo Castellano program. This engaging multimedia presentation, led by Dr. Daniel V. Schidlow, will explore the rich history of Latin American classical music, weaving together historical and musicological insights with composer biographies and iconic musical performances on screen.
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