Wednesday April 2, 2014 12:00PM - 1:30PM
Tequilas Restaurant
1602 Locust St
Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Cículo Castellano is one of the oldest continuing traditions of the Pan American Association of Philadelphia. The Círculo is an informal lunch gathering that provides attendees the opportunity to network with Latino executives, practice speaking Spanish, and enjoy thoughtful conversation about the most varied topics.
Círculo Castellano meets the first Wednesday of every month at Tequilas Restaurant, located at 16th Street and Locust Street, from 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
To ensure comfort and a close and engaging environment it is required for attendees to RSVP using the online form below. There is no charge for RSVP or attending, however, each attendee is responsible for his/her lunch and consumption at the restaurant.
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Thursday February 20, 2025 - 06:00 pm
Industrious Fashion District, Philadelphia, PA
Join the Pan American Association of Philadelphia for an enlightening evening as part of our Círculo Castellano program. This engaging multimedia presentation, led by Dr. Daniel V. Schidlow, will explore the rich history of Latin American classical music, weaving together historical and musicological insights with composer biographies and iconic musical performances on screen.
Tuesday April 15, 2025 - 11:30 am
The Union League of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
The Pan American Association of Philadelphia is delighted to announce the 2025 Pan American Day and Annual Scholarship Luncheon. During the annual luncheon, the Association also will award nearly $20,000 in college scholarships and recognitions to area university students majoring in Latin American and related studies.
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• Member Discounts
• Quarterly Newsletter
• Social and Political Dialogue
• Networking
• Annual Schedule of Events
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